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  • What is the difference between l...

    What is the difference between longyi and htamein?

    In Burma, longyis worn by males are called pahso (ပုဆိုး), while those worn by females are called htamein (ထဘီ, or htamain). Strictly speaking, they are not unisex attire, as the way they are worn as well as the patterns and makeup are different between the genders.yangon street food

    Is Yangon safe for tourists?

    Actually, Yangon is still safe for travelling. Currently Mandalay and upper myanmar is not recommended to travel because of the situation. As we know, Yangon and Nay Pyi Taw will be the last city for crisis.

    Is Myanmar a Hindu country?

    Approximately 2% of Burmese people are Hindu. Burmese Hindus are a mix of Bengalis, Tamils, Telegus, and Uttar Pradeshis who arrived in Burma under British colonialism.Myanmar platform download

    Which is bigger Bangkok or Yangon?

    Which is Bigger, Yangon or Bangkok? Bangkok has a larger population, and is about 14% larger than the population of Yangon.

    Which street food is best for diet?

    8 healthy and delicious Indian street foods
    Shakarkandi Chaat. This chaat contains roasted sweet potato, which is nutritious and has a host of vitamins. ...
    Bhel Puri. Bhel puri is a mix of potato and rice puffs, both of which are healthy for your body. ...
    Momo. ...
    Dhokla. ...
    Fruit Chaat. ...
    Roasted Bhutta. ...
    Idli. ...
    Dahi Bhalla.

    Why is Yangon famous?

    Yangon boasts the largest number of colonial-era buildings in Southeast Asia, and has a unique colonial-era urban core that is remarkably intact. The colonial-era commercial core is centered around the Sule Pagoda, which is reputed to be over 2,000 years old.

    Why was Rangoon changed to Yangon?

    These renamings took the form of the "Adaptation of Expressions Law", passed on 18 June 1989. Thus, for instance, Rangoon was changed to Yangon to reflect the fact that the "r" sound is no longer used in Standard Burmese and merged with a "y" glide.

    Is Bangkok hotter than Yangon?

    Actually Bangkok is hotter than Yangon.

    Which city in China has the most foreigners?

    ShanghaiRated by Mercer 2016 Quality of Living Standard as 101st in the world, Shanghai attracts many expats.

    What street food should I eat?

    10 Indian Street Foods That are Healthy
    Aloo Chaat. Shakarkandi/Sweet Potato chaat is loaded with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, manganese, fiber, B vitamins, potassium and iron and is also a good food for weight loss too. ...
    Bhel Puri. ...
    Dahi Vada. ...
    Dhokla. ...
    Dosa and Idli. ...
    Fruit Chaat. ...
    Kebabs & Tikkas. ...
    Pani Puri.
    More items...•myanmar celebrity open door

  • Is it bad to say no to your mom?

    Is it bad to say no to your mom?

    This is incredibly common if you grow up with emotionally dependent parents (we call it parent-child role reversal) and it is a cognitive-behavioral pattern that is so hard to shift. My one sentence answer to your question is: Yes! It is absolutely okay for you to say no!

    How do you wish someone having a baby?

    Simple Wishes
    [So happy for you."
    [Wishing all the best for you and your baby-to-be."
    [Wishing you sweet times ahead-"
    [Can't wait to meet baby!"
    [Your family is about to get even cuter."
    [Blessings to baby and you."
    [Praying for a safe and healthy delivery for both you and baby."

    How much money do I need to have a baby?

    How much should I budget for a baby per month? Budgeting for a baby each month varies widely, typically from about $1,000 to $3,600. This estimate includes ongoing costs such as diapers, formula, and childcare, which can be the largest variable affecting the total price.

    Can labor start while sleeping?

    So many of my clients go into labor, or begin having contractions in the middle of the night. If this is your first baby, you are probably feeling very excited that the time is finally here!

    Are C-section babies more tired?

    However the anaesthetic may make your baby very sleepy during the first few days-you may have to wake them up and encourage them to nurse. Keep them close and offer the breast whenever they stir. Pain relief and antibiotics are routinely given after a caesarean.

    What are the long term side effects of milk powder?

    Consuming milk powder for a long time leads to accumulation of such fats in the body, which are very difficult to get rid of. It contains artificial sugar, which harms the body. This increases weight. That's why avoid consuming it.

    What is by hand delivery?

    Meaning of hand-deliver in English

    to take something to someone yourself or send it by courier (= person who carries important messages or documents for someone else): We targeted the company's managers and hand-delivered invitations to them.

    How to write normal delivery notes?

    Example of Delivery Note:

    Stage I: 7 hours 35 minutes Spontaneous rupture of membranes with normal progressive labor following. Fetal heart tones normal with variable decelerations over last half hour of Stage I with good return to baseline. Good accelerations throughout.


    5. 剖腹產可以喝什麼飲料? 手術過後,容易會有腸脹氣的情形發生,因此在剖腹產後的兩週內,要盡量避開容易產氣或是刺激性的飲料,像是鮮奶,豆漿,咖啡,茶,含糖飲料較不利於傷口癒合,應避免攝取,等到兩週後,可以少量嘗試,讓腸道適應,再逐漸回歸到正常的狀態.開刀bb奶粉


    [記者陳恩惠╱桃園報導]國外早已行之有年的水中分娩,在台灣盛行率卻不高,開業四十年之久的衛生福利部桃園醫院,終於在今年光輝的十月,出現第一起主動提出水中生產要求的李媽媽,並順利生下兒子的案例,生產過程讓陪同的丈夫,2稚女及拍攝的好友相當感動,她出院返家前表示「期望藉著新聞的曝光,讓大家看見,同時鼓勵更多孕婦生產時,能夠 ...剖腹產寶寶

  • How long does it usually take fo...

    How long does it usually take for a cold to get better?

    Symptoms of the common cold are mild, starting 1 to 3 days after being infected with the virus and lasting about 1 to 2 weeks. Common symptoms include fever (which can reach 39 degrees Celsius), runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, coughing, and sneezing. , fatigue, muscle pain, headaches, etc. Symptoms of the flu and a cold are similar, but the symptoms are more serious, including high fever (over 39 degrees Celsius), general muscle pain, stuffy nose, headache, nausea, chills, sweating, fatigue, malaise, and malaise. . appetite.

    What should I do if the girl is very dry there?

    Basically, treatments for vaginal dryness can be divided into ``hormonal treatments'' and ``non-hormonal treatments.'' Hormone treatment includes oral hormonal preparations and topical hormonal suppositories or ointments. Hormone treatments mainly include "vaginal moisturizers" and "vaginal lasers." Unlike lubricants, vaginal moisturizers are composed of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, and their moisturizing power lasts for about 2 to 3 days. f99b6dab47f171c9c8d78e54aa779a80>

    Can a bacterial cold get better naturally?

    Q5: Can a cold go away on its own? Dr. Huang Jianxian said that if it's a mild cold caused by a viral infection, you don't necessarily need to take medicine. As mentioned earlier, try to drink warmer water to speed up your body's metabolism. Viral infections may recover, but bacterial infections can worsen if left untreated for a long time and require antibiotics to help you recover at this time. We recommend that you seek medical attention as soon as possible.

    How do I know if my genitals have a strange odor?

    Under normal conditions, bacteria in the genital area emit a sour or fermented odor, and when menstruation begins or there is blood left, the vaginal discharge is clear or white and odorless, but mainly contains iron, similar to the metal of a coin. odor occurs. If you have a fishy odor and your discharge is grayish white after sex, you should be careful as it is often related to the iron content in your blood. Since it is caused by a bacterial infection, we recommend that you see a doctor.

    What foods are rich in vitamin C?

    Examples of vegetables rich in vitamin C
    Vegetable name Vitamin C content (mg)
    Broccoli 1/2 cup, cooked (78g) 50.6
    Cauliflower 1/2 cup, cooked (62g) 27.5
    1/2 cup tomatoes, cooked (120 g) 27.4
    1/2 cup amaranth, cooked (66 g) 27.1
    More 6 •

    Why do boys get trichomoniasis infections?

    Trichomonas infection methods can be broadly divided into two types: direct infection and indirect infection. Direct contact: It is mainly transmitted through sexual intercourse, but once a man is infected, the method of transmission is different for men and women. Trichomonas, Trichomonas enters the male prostate through the urethra and is transmitted to women through semen after orgasm or ejaculation.



    Should I see a doctor for a candida infection?

    Recurring symptoms of a candida infection does not mean the same candida species is present (more than 150 candida species have been discovered, 9 of which can infect humans) . Patients must first see a doctor, who will perform tests and take samples. If a patient has frequent flare-ups, laboratory tests are done to find out which bacteria are causing the illness so that preventive drugs can be used to reduce the risk of recurrence.陰道炎治療方法

    What causes wheezing?

    Physiological factors include respiratory disease, lung disease, heart disease, anemia, being overweight, and low physical activity. Psychological factors include excessive mental stress that makes you feel unwell or unable to get enough air. If you feel pressure in your chest and your breathing becomes labored frequently because of it, you may feel "out of breath" and go to the hospital for treatment.

    Do you fart when you take antibiotics?

    Antibiotics can kill both good and bad bacteria, so they can easily affect the ecological balance of the gastrointestinal flora, leading to excessive gas excretion, which can lead to the use of related drugs. This is also the reason why people who take it often suffer from farts. If you want to maintain the growth of naturally healthy flora, a steady supply of probiotics should be your main focus. 婦科主任醫師